
From farm to table

Fustanella is an agricultural farm with an organic restaurant and a guesthouse that operates according to the principle "from farm to table". Our hostel is still under development. We are preparing three wonderful rooms on the second floor of the guesthouse, each of which will have the capacity to welcome two to three people.
Fustanella Restaurant offers Mediterranean and Balkan cuisine following and re-interpreting traditional recipes cooked for centuries. The menu is seasonal and based directly on the products from our farm and that of farmers and breeders surrounding our guesthouse. Our principle is to serve seasonal products. We grow a wide range of vegetables, generally local crops, and new crops that have recently entered our country. Finally, we will sell part of them in our farm shop.


Between nature and history

Fustanella Farm is surrounded by natural beauties with a lot of history. Petrela Castle is located only hundreds of meters away from us and can be seen freely from almost every corner of Fustanella. Not far away, towards the south-east, there is the monumental tomb of the ancient Illyrian settlement of Persqop and a little further the walls, the settlement itself. Natural beauties are everywhere around, starting from the Black Cave in the village of Pëllumbasi, the waterfall at Syri Ciklopit near Krraba, a little further the lake of Farka, etc., making this area a very suitable and favorite place for history lovers, or hikers. At Fustanella we say that: "Farmers are the best cooks in the world." The work of these people is truly admirable and the reaction of our visitors to their work is very positive. After a long time in over-urbanized cities, we have started to miss nature and natural beauty. While this happens, we hope our awareness raises and we care more to preserve nature. Nature is beautiful and man has the power to make it even more beautiful.